Tangerang Shot 72 investors to work on PLTSA

Development and increasing population growth each year bring consequences against the increase in the volume of waste produced by society.

To overcome this problem, the City Government (City Government) Tangerang have been and continue to make optimum and efforts of various his commitment in waste management.Where any efforts, any City Government was appointed one of the cities to carry out infrastructure projects for energy derived from waste treatment namely Waste power plant (PLTSA) along with the city of Semarang and Makassar.

"We continue to strive to do more and better waste management, including through technology that is environmentally will be realized through PLTSA," he explained during Exploitation the market or Market Sounding Partnership with The Agency's Efforts in the provision of infrastructure, waste management, renewable Energy in Akhlakul Karimah, Tuesday (24/01).

The main target of the garbage processing technology advanced, the Vice-Mayor, so that the volume of waste is reduced.One of the options is to convert it into energy or known as Waste-to-Energy (WtE).

"In principle, the Foundation of energy or not, trash should remain manageable.As for the energy produced is a bonus, "stated Sachrudin.

Meanwhile, the head of the environmental agency of the city of Tangerang, Ivan Yudianto, convey, there are 72 investors who have signed up to manage waste into new renewable energy.Where the investor not only from Indonesia, but also foreign countries such as China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Germany.The total number of investors who sign up, the outside of a forecasts. Originally, it only records there are 44 investors but increased to 72 investors.

"Most of the investors from overseas, they are interested in managing waste in the city of Tangerang's new renewable energy into electricity, i.e.," he explained after the show.

Ivan any hope, with a magnitude that investor from animo, surely the great hope we can soon realize the application of PLTSA in Tangerang, the crap that is in the town of Tangerang can be managed into electricity and the exact amount of garbage will be increasingly reduced.

Through the activities of Market Sounding this, Tangerang City Government would like to give you an idea of the location of the waste management LANDFILL in Rawakucing, and also the process of interaction to spool as well as knowing the inputs as well as the interest of potential investors including banking and insurance in cooperation with business entities in the provision of PLTSA, according presidential Regulation (Regulation) number 38 Years 2015 about Government Cooperation with business entities in the provision of infrastructure and Regulation the head of Bappenas Number 4 Year 2015 on The implementation of the Government's Cooperation with the Agency's efforts in the provision of infrastructure.

"In addition to the input for City Government, we open wide the investor effort to manage waste in the town of Tangerang and in cooperation with qualified investors," he said.

As for the legal basis used by the Municipal Government of Tangerang in conducting waste management by utilizing waste into energy (PLTSA) is the President (Presidential) number 3 Year 2016, about the acceleration of the implementation of the national strategic Project.Where is the city of Tangerang, Semarang and Makassar, designated as cities to carry out infrastructure projects the energy derived from the processing of waste.

Tangerang, 24 January 2017
Chief Publicist

H. Felix Mulyawan
Nip: 196410011992021001